Kore Trading is a technology-driven proprietary trading firm that trades futures at all major exchanges and treasury cash. Our gateways are low latency, collocated, written in c++ and are managed using a flexible and intuitive remote proprietary GUI. We seek to combine the talents of quantitative traders with those of our developers and engineers to optimize our position in the global market place. The firm is an open palette where innovative ideas are supported by technology and capital. We pride ourselves on integrity, innovation, and investment. We strive to hire the best and brightest but also the most driven. For our continued success we rely on the efforts and the collective strength of working as a team. Our traders, quants, and developers must all rely on each other to succeed in an ever-increasingly competitive market place. Where the merits of passion, hard work, and ingenuity are aptly rewarded, Kore Trading is a home for those possessing such qualities. For those who wish to take charge of their future in the capital market place, Kore Trading is the environment to nurture that success.
We strive to cultivate and support an environment where the finest trading minds collaborate with the most skillful engineers, quants, and developers to create and successfully implement the most innovative strategies of today. We are committed to an endless pursuit of refining and creating technologies that keep our strategies at the cutting edge of execution. Our trading infrastructure reaches globally covering derivatives and securities of a myriad of asset classes. We reward and compensate the successes of our team in a manner that shows our dedication to career-long partnerships.
Besides Futures Trading, our platform also offers Cryptocurrency Trading, supporting a wide spectrum of crypto instruments including all major pairs, algorithms trading, auto spreaders and much more. All these are servers-based high-frequency implemented, easy to use due to a user-friendly graphical interface.

Being at the forefront of technological advancements has become critical for continued success in global derivatives and securities trading. We are committed to continually refining and improving our proprietary systems to ensure we remain at the cutting edge of today’s emerging technologies. Our proprietary trading infrastructure provides our team with the ability to effectively identify trading opportunities while efficiently executing them.

Kore Trading offers careers in a wide range of fields including software development, quantitative analysis, algorithmic and quantitative trading, risk management, business operations, recruiting, and systems management. We provide an environment that gives individuals the exposure to top down learning and the flexibility found in a small organization while also providing the security and resources of an industry leader. You will be surrounded and mentored by groups of individuals who come from the top of their fields in engineering, academia, gaming, and athletics. We are a true meritocracy and an ideal environment for an individual who wants to make an impact on an organization and be aptly rewarded for it. We provide you with the tools, training, resources, mentorship, and compensation needed to achieve your personal goals and are committed to nurturing your success. Hunger and aptitude are the only requirements.
Please view our current job offerings on our LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/koretradingchicago
- Software Engineer
- Algorithmic Trader
- Junior Trading Role
- Experienced Trader
If you would like to join our team, please contact us at careers@koretrading.com.